Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer Nights's about those nights when you get Ted Drewes with a good friend and talk about life. It's about driving with the windows down on a beautiful night and tasting clear, cool air rush in as you sing along to John Mayer. It's about watching the orangest moon you've ever seen rise in the sky as you sit on a bench watching cars rush by. It has been a summer-filled night.

The last day of second session is tomorrow. I am relieved to move on to a new set of kids. My buddies have been a challenge for the past three weeks. I have been so desperately praying for their understanding of the Gospel. I so badly want their hearts to be open to Jesus.

Poopsie flew home yesterday. It was amazing having her here for five days. We went all over St. Louis...the Botanical Garden, Grant's Farm, Tro Mo, Ted Drewes, Forest Park, the Science Center, the Zoo, Donut Drive-In, Live Off the Levy downtown, Culver's, St. Louis Bread Co, the Hill, the Loop...We had so much fun. I am blessed by a fantastic roommate and friend.

I am currently reading Under the Banner of Heaven. The Fundamentalist Mormon Church is fascinating. It blows my mind how people can believe this stuff.

As my friend said tonight about the crazy events and pain and heartache that God had put in her life..."I wouldn't trade any of it." Well, I wouldn't either. Through it all God has me right where He wants me right now, and it is thrilling.

1 comment:

JRo said...

Hey Whit,
My name is Jay. I like this post about the hard times in life and how much you wouldn't take em back for anything because of what Jesus has done in your life and those around through them. They do leave a life long impact and help to gain a lesson in life and build a stronger relationship with Jesus. I recently had a huge event happen in my life, and although negative, God has shaped me into more of the man He wants me to be for Him. Thanks for the reminder and oh by the way "GO JESUS" and "GO CARDINALS"